Shit Mama Rants Said – 02

So Mama Rants passed through my backroom office on the way to the first floor bathroom.  Because it’s the damn floor plan.  She overheard me speaking to a lady friend of great significance on the phone.

RANTS: (discussing a document file of my writing) “I’d like to show it to you, if you have time and don’t mind.”

MAMA RANTS: (At Rants) “Oh, you’re a nasty old man!”

Of note, Mama Rants is 74.  You go, Mama Rants!  You just go.

46 Responses to “Shit Mama Rants Said – 02”

  1. NotAPunkRocker Says:

    At least she didn’t ground you 😉

  2. Bahahaha. Good on her.

  3. Nasty old man. *snickers and runs*

  4. “lady friend of great significance” sweet…I think we all need a little Mama Rants now and then…

  5. She should be proud. I mean, you asked first instead of just showing it her and saying, “How you doin’?”


  6. What exactly does a female of great significance mean?

  7. That old gal’s got her mind in the gutter!

  8. whiteladyinthehood Says:

    I wish you the best. (I’m sure she’ll like anything you write)

  9. If I showed up, with the wife’s thumb and finger firmly attached to my ear, would you introduce me – to Mama??! We’ll talk about the other lady later. 😉 😕

  10. So the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?

  11. Mama Rants is awesome.

    Interesting Gravatar pic, by the way. You always manage to take pics that look nothing like you.

  12. Having grown sons, one if my greatest pleasures is when I can deliver a one-liner that reminds them I went “there” before they knew where “there” was.
    The look on their faces is priceless.

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