One-Hundred Large

By the time I type this and hang it, BrainRants will likely have passed the 100,000 site hits mark.

Time to party, Rants Army!

56 Responses to “One-Hundred Large”

  1. Le Clown Says:

    Le Clown will be the first to congratulate you…
    Le Clown

  2. W00t 😀

  3. Woohoo!
    (Can I stop clicking now?)

  4. Congrats, sir!

  5. Let’s have a beer to celebrate!

  6. Im-fucking-pressive!! Only because I got here before KayJai. Keep it up – uh, the posting ‘n stuff.

  7. Admit it…you posted this to get there quicker.

    Congrats, sir.

  8. Go you! 🙂

  9. Huzzah! No, really! 😉

  10. whiteladyinthehood Says:


  11. yeh yeh you’re popular…we get it. 😛

  12. Yay! You are a cool kid now!

  13. The Elite of Just Alright Says:

    That is all.

  14. Congrats!

    Where are the snacks?

  15. Congrats on such a huge milestone!

  16. Damn you’re good! I thought I was special when I hit 10,000 a few months ago – you’re 10X more special than me!

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